Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Creating ripples in our life pond

Eleven years ago our daughter went vegetarian after gaining an awareness of food and the processes which bring it to our table.   At the time we supported her verbally, but I was not ready to take the plunge, having grown up on meat and potatoes.   It seemed an impossibility in my life and I just didn't have the willpower.   She never preached to us, just continued her lifestyle resolutely and quietly.   But she had made a ripple in life's pond.  I knew the positive effects of this one action dwarfed any and all activities I had made in my lifetime in support of nature and our environment.  

Three months ago (March 10th), I was taking lunch and read an article in the newspaper about the summary the wolf hunts in 2012.   It was not biased but the figures were staggering in just 3 lower 48 states.   I kept looking for the article to compare wolves "taken," in 2012 as compared to the total population in these states.  No percentage calculation was offered, I took the numbers and ascertained that 10% of the wolves in these states were slaughtered needlessly in just one year!   I felt physically sick.  An awareness came over me that could not be ignored.  I knew the cattle industry's constant opposition to this species and others, which encouraged the non-regulated hunt in at least one state..   It's hard to believe that in the few centuries we have inhabited this continent, constantly proclaiming our intelligengence and superiority over all wildlife, yet we can't find a way to protect cattle and sheep without harming the predators living in the same habitat.  Or is it we lack of desire to find a solution which is mutually beneficial.   

I realized that every time I eat a steak or burger I am contributing to this mass murder of an obviously intelligent race.   I am part of the problem.  After this realization the impossible suddenly seemed possible.   I gave up all red meat in support of wolves.   The next month I gave up poultry after hearing that the meat and poultry industry are pushing legislation which would make it harder to regulate unsafe and inhumane practices.  How can I support that kind of behavior? 

The ripple had finally reached me.  Yet I could not have taken this step if this path had not been pointed out to me.   The knowledge I had obtained over the years from her influence was enough to enable the next step forward.  After a couple weeks I told Mrs S and she shared her own journey of reduced meat and poultry consumption.   She made a commitment as well to go completely vegetarian, as did her friend and coworker.  The ripple was growing.

Not knowing of our commitments, our other daughter also stopped eating meat for her own reasons.   So now we have 5 people who are totally veggie, and 2 supportive husband/fiance's which are cutting back as well.   It gives confidence that making the change in one's self can have more effect than ever imaginable.   

I hope one day, perhaps after my metal has been tested for a longer period, I can actually see these intelligent, majestic beings in the wild, living free.   It would be a lifelong dream fulfilled.  

Wouldn't it be great to see wolves thrive as before the human invasion of this continent, perhaps with an enlightened understanding and respect on our part, from one intelligent species to another.   Such treatment as equals was given to them before by wise beings who shared this continent with wildlife, before our arrival.   While reading "The Art of Power" by Thich Nhat Hanh I came across a quote which read, "We must reexamine our idea of human superiority over other species and life forms."(pg 146).   Words well spoken.   Once we place the lives of animals and other life forms on an equal level as we do fellow humans we will have reached enlightenment as a race.  Thank your for your appreciation and respect for our fellow wildlife inhabitants on this planet. 

Want to know more.  See the link below;


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