Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer surprise 7-9-13

I was exhausted from biking upwind for thirteen miles on the way home that day, so I rewarded myself with a short rest by the lake.  Although the temperature only reached 96 it seemed higher with the humidity, and the birds seemed to be waiting for the evening hours to be active.   I wasn't expecting much activity, so decided to appreciate the few birds presently about. 

Two Red-tailed Hawks casually coasted on the breeze which had been my enemy that day, mastering it, or perhaps becoming part of it.   They seemed so nonchalant as they lazily rode the wind currents as if they were floating on an invisible ocean, dipping as if in a trough then rising up to the crest, again and again, yet always moving forward.   This buteo has mastered flight, and can even "kite," on an updraft, a feat unique among North American raptors. 

Although there wasn't much activity on the lake save for a Purple Martin or two, I scanned the shoreline with my bins just in case for herons or migrating sandpipers.  I was almost ready to turn for home when it first appeared, flying toward my position from the far side of the lake.   It was reminiscent of a vision entering into the subconscious mind of a quester, unclear at first, then becoming sharper as its direct flight went right by my suddenly bewildered figure, its dark sideburns and angled wings distinguishing its celestial appearance.  
Peregrine Falcon (7-13-12)
"Peregrine Falcon!" I exclaimed out loud to anyone in close proximity, and two Tropical Kingbirds trilled a their alarm as well.   But it was already too late for those fellow humans within earshot. 
 This spiritual experience would be mine to keep in my life's collection of unforgettable memories, memories as beautiful and simple as watching a Peregrine Falcon as it passes directly overhead on a hot, yet pleasant desert afternoon.    Thank you for appreciating our unique desert wonders!

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