Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Yard Wish List for 2014

While it is true I focus mostly on my neighborhood list my yard birds are very special as well.  A bird coming to your yard is an affirmation of your habitat-creating success.  I hope the log pile I put in may bring in a Rock Wren or House Wren again to our yard.   Or something new, like a Bewick's Wren, heard not even 200 yards from our humble abode.  So I figure I'll put down on paper some of the birds I hope may visit our burgeoning wildlife habitat in 2014.   What's on your list of hopefuls?

1.  Bewick's Wren-  perhaps the stone walls and log pile will attract this beautiful wren. 
2.  White-throated Sparrow-  often attracted to ground seed along with our White-Crowned Sparrows. 
3.  Canyon Towhee-  A resident of higher elevations but with some coming down to riparian areas. 
4.  Spotted Towhee-  Less common in lowlands but regular.
5.  Calliope Hummingbird-  we've already had the rare Violet-crowned visit, so why not this one or the next entry.  Hanging feeders low may attract this interesting looking hummingbird.
6.  Magnificent Hummingbird-hanging feeders high may attract this bird of high elevations.
7.  Western Screech Owl-  has probably visited but hope to see him.  
8.  Hooded Oriole- putting out oranges, etc.  could attract this striking bird.  
9.   American Kestrel- putting up screech owl nest box could also attract this colorful falcon. 
10.  Hermit Thrush-  Good cover and seed may attract this earthy-colored beauty.
11.  Cedar Waxwing-  our berry-producing plantings could bring in these birds. 
12.  Common Yellowthroat- if my cattail project takes off in the yard.
13.  Macgillivray's Warbler-  low dense cover will attract this olive warbler with white eye crescents.
14.  Tennessee Warbler- key will be gurgling water feature to bring in warblers to drink.
15.  Yellow-breasted Chat.  Cattail experiment and good cover may attract this bird of wetter habitats.
16.  Scott's Oriole-  an oriole of higher elevations but more likely in migration to oranges, nectar.
17.  Dark-eyed Junco-  attracted to ground seed.
18.  Harris's Sparrow-another ground seed feeder, usually with White-crowned Sparrow. 
19.  Blue Grosbeak-  may be attracted to water feature and denser habitat.
20.  Common Black Hawk- perhaps soaring over in migration in the next couple months.  

Thank you for appreciating all the visitor's to your own special wildlife habitat!

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