My friend Kino has been with us for about fourteen and a half years now, and it doesn't take a mathmatician to know that time is short. In the past year his age has shown itself, and I've been struggling with the uncertainty of our future in this life. Even with all the advanced warning I am unprepared for the decisions I may have to make, and equally unprepared for the emotional toll I would feel from the loss of my best friend. I am hoping I can finish his biography now while can still watch his loving eyes and mischievous smile, and feel the softness of his fur each day. I have a feeling I will not be writing much after he's left for greener pastures.
Perhaps it was his intelligence. Mrs. S could see it even as an 8 week old puppy at the Humane Society, along with his Alpha complex. Despite my urging to think long and hard before making rash decisions, she went back for a second time, and was hooked. She called and offered to pick me up from work. As I entered the parking lot I saw her cradling her new love and knew there was no thought process involved in this decision, just pure emotion. I had to admit I was hooked too.
Those beuatiful brown eyes, which turn blue with emotion, were always hard to resist. It allowed her to forgive him for all his puppyish mischief, such as when he bit the flower heads off every single one of the plants in her newly planted garden. Or when he would sneak into our rooms and grab our most precious items (or socks), shaking his head as he flaunted them at us to get our attention. If we did not react he would proceed to chew them up right in front of us. He was active nearly 24/7 as a puppy. The only time I could get him to rest was when I held his bone for him on the porch while he chewed. It was only then that he would relax enough to fall into a deep, exhaustive slumber.
He learned quickly to communicate with us, understanding more of the human language than we could ever understand of his native tongue. But he made it easy for us unintelligent creatures by his gestures. I swear he is the only dog I know who uses varying sighs to communicate over a hundred messages. His emotional state is always obviously shown on his handsome face, and his loving expressions can melt an iceberg.
He has always been close to his family, including our kitties. Our oldest cat, Daisy, trained Kino from the start with slaps on the nose whenever he got too excited. She never used her claws but you wouldn't know it by the way Kino complained to us about his poor nose. To the end they would have their "water wars." Daisy would get a drink knowing Kino would be there soon as well (after eating). She would make him wait as he sheepishly wagged his tail while asking to cut in. Sometimes he would try to get a drink too early and receive her cottonly wrath. Poor Daisy passed away this year at 16, but we still have her ashes and paw print as a memorial to her sweet personality.
Kino and I were always close but he would want to lead the walks at first. I think he believed he knew better than I where to go. Our daughters were teenagers and also thought we/I knew nothing about life, so perhaps he believed it as well. One day a dog fiercely ran toward us off his property and into the road where we were walking. I stepped in front of Kino and blocked him from the angry predator, meeting the adversary's angry growls my own growls, crouching toward him to show I meant business. He left, and I believe that experience truly showed Kino I was there for him, and we were there for everyone else in our household. We always knew our role to protect everyone else in our family.
"Brian's about to arrive," Mrs. S stated. Kino always knows when he's almost home. I walked in to our friend's astonished stare. His sixth sense has also been a lifesaver, with 2 actual lives to his credit, including mine.
When our family expanded with our kitties, Kino became their big brother. Their bond is very close, although he still gives me a puzzled look as they lovingly put their tails in his face, or walk under his head rubbing against him. He would herd them out of the living room when we had unexpected visitors at the door, which they appreciate, since they are shy with strangers still. Our sweet Lilly is always waiting for Kino when we return from our walks, or when we are on the porch. She is the shyest of them all around humans, but loves Kino completely. I think he actually enjoys his role as "top kitty," in our house.
As I write this Kino is lying by my feet. It is 12:15 AM and he's tired, but will still wait until I go to bed before he leaves here. He is the most devoted friend I've ever had. When I was at my lowest, I always knew that at least I had my best friend, and I could sink my hands into his soft fur, and watch my troubles drift away, pushed by the wind created by his boundless heart. When I'm happy, he can still dance and play, sharing our joy. Most of all, he allows us to show our love completely to him without ridicule, and gives his love completely to us. It is not instinct, but his choice to be who he is, my best friend and brother, Kino.
Well, Kino just grunted a sigh telling me its late and we should be going to bed now. Good night!
Kino notes below
Kino's theme song we made up for him. "Let me tell you a story about my best friend...his name is Kino S......... and he'll love you to the end!
Kino's nicknames. Kino beans, Best buds, Budman, Bestest in the westest, Mr Guy, Mr Bright Eyes, Mr Handsome guy, Kino Mcbeans, Mr full of beans.
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