Today I got out to survey one part of the wash, which was accepted as an Important Bird Area this year. Due to my sunburn experience on Monday (post still in draft stage) I had planned on walking with the sun at my back, since it was already half hour past sunrise, very late for summer birding. Luckily I drove west toward my essential coffee source first, which runs past the west end of my transect. There in the magical Eucalyptus mentioned in previous posts was a magnificent Peregrine Falcon! Plans changed and I started at the west end of the transect, heading east, where I was able to get these shots of this incredible hunter, which is also considered the fastest animal on earth!
That morning I saw my first Desert Tarantula for the season, but the birds were surprisingly quiet. Even the Lucy's Warblers were silent or missing. Finally, at about the midpoint some Bell's Vireos began calling, and a Northern Beardless Tyrannulet made an appearance, then another. I Bewick's Wren was calling, and I visually located a Lucy's Warbler.
I finished the survey but felt considerably baked. It was about 100 degrees out but I had to walk back home through the washes, which are like the frying pan on the burner, always hotter than the surroundings. A gulp from my water bottle went down like a cup of hot tea. A coyote jumped out from some cover, looking back, seemingly surprised to see one of us humans outside at this time of day.
But it was a great day with some great sightings. And I also collected some seeds to replant tomorrow during part 2 of this jouney (sycamore and Az Walnut), and hopefully the rains today and tonight will spark some songsters to belt out their tunes for me to enjoy on my travels. Below are some lizard photos from my journey as well. Thank you for appreciating our native wildlife!
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